CivicaMente contributed to developing innovative approaches also in the field of educational and professional guidance, putting at the service of the large partner companies its professional competence in creating learning experiences for which physical coexistence is not necessary. This not only guaranteed continuity support during the pandemic for thousands of Italian schools and students, but also opened an interesting window of opportunity for sectors where guaranteeing students with adequate safety standards wouldn’t be possible, or for those companies that want to “gather talent” even hundreds of kilometers far from the physical location.

Our experiences of school-work alternation in smartworking have increasingly assumed the characteristic of a real structured methodology, with preliminary e-learning modules and subsequent modules intended to produce a work project remotely by the students, to be submitted to the attention of the client company and certify the quality of the training experience achieved. The processes can be constantly monitored by the teachers, who see, validate, approve, exactly as if they were in the classroom.
These solutions, halfway between the didactic and technological evolution, have been put at the service of many different industrial sectors, and with many complementary nuances, using them to facilitate, for example, access to STEM areas by students, and in particular to favor of female students, often diverted from scientific and technological contexts.